04 September 2007

How do you love?

God says that we are supposed to love one another and it's so easy to love the people in our lives that are easy to love. But how do I love the people who are hard to love, or worse yet the people that it hurts to love? Jesus didn't pick and choose who to love, He loved the people who thought so little of His love that they hung Him on a cross, He loved them enough to hang on that cross for them. But I'm not Jesus and as the human that I am I'd rather throw in the towel sometimes. I guess it's a good thing that God didn't have that attitude about me, so to my knees I go, thanking God for His perfect and unfailing love, thanking Him for the amazing love that people in my life have blessed me with, and praying for just a fraction of His love to make it's way through me, for me to be able to clearly see how best to love and be gracious. Because when faced with the truth, but for grace, I would be unloveable to a perfect and holy God.