15 July 2007

I'm tired of hearing...

I'm tired of hearing, from guys, how great a wife I'd make someone someday, how lucky some guy will be to get me, blah, blah, blah. If I'm so great, GET ME, stop talking about it and give it a try. If you're lying to me, or just saying that cause it's the thing to say, just stop, cause I'm not cool with that.

09 July 2007

Stupid, prima donna hockey players!

Not much to say today other than this. I am so pickin' sick of these filthy rich hockey players whining and complaining about the "bad" winters in Edmonton. You play a sport where you SKATE AROUND ON FROZEN WATER RETARDS!! If it weren't for winter, your sport wouldn't exist! "oh, you're offering me 8 million dollars? Well I don't know if that's enough to put a heater in all 5 of my hummers, my children might freeze if I move there". Give me a friggin' break, for 8 million dollars a year you can excavate a tunnel and put in your own luxury heated train to get you anywhere you want to go in the city in the "bad" winters. Whatever happened to playing because you love it, playing on a team whose fans are among the most passionate in the league? Or does it suck playing for sold out crowds instead of buildings that are so empty you can hear cars going by outside? It's not like we're offering peanuts, 8 FREAKIN MILLION dollars, you can buy all the parkas you need! Once again thanks Lauren Pronger, you were able to almost single handedly destroy our chances of landing any big free agents ever again, you spoiled little brat!
(oh yeah, Ang is mad, very very mad).